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COVID-19 Info

Following the close monitoring of COVID-19 case rates and positivity rates, and in consultation with the Stamford Department of Health, many of The Pinnacle School’s mitigation measures changed as of March 16, 2022. 

student sanitizing hands before working

Summary of COVID-19 Procedures

Masking is optional for all students, staff, and visitors.  As per best practice of infection prevention in school health offices, students and staff may be instructed to put on a mask when they enter the school nurse’s office.

Visitors are welcome and will follow the same guidelines as our students and faculty. Masks are optional and  visitors who are positive for COVID-19, or who are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19, are not permitted to enter the building.

Good hand hygiene continues to serve as a key mitigating strategy in combating COVID-19.  Hand sanitizing stations will continue to be available throughout the building.  Students and staff are encouraged to wash hands for at least 20 seconds regularly throughout the day or to use hand sanitizer.

While not required by the State of Connecticut,  we will conduct contact tracing on a case-by-case basis when there has been exposure within the school community.

Our ventilation system recirculates indoor air every 6-12 minutes and uses the highest-rated air filters (Merv-13).

Please continue to report positive COVID-19 test results to the school nurse and follow CDC recommendations for isolation and quarantine - COVID-19 Quarantine and Isolation | CDC.  Students and staff should not report to school if they are experiencing symptoms of COVID-19 or if they test positive for COVID-19. Parents and staff screen themselves for symptoms daily and err on the side of caution.

Rapid home test kits are available for both students and staff and may be picked up from our school nurse.

Governed by the CDC, Connecticut Department of Health, Connecticut Department of Education, and our local health department (Stamford).


Information regarding the Coronavirus from the Center for Disease Control: 

The Pinnacle School enables students in grades 2-12 with complex learning challenges and secondary co-occurring needs to thrive through small class sizes, individualized academic programming, active problem-solving, and relationship building.


201 High Ridge Road

Stamford, CT 06905


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